XeNote/posts/Code/Tiddlywiki/Tiddlywiki Resources.md
2020-12-01 06:28:42 +03:00

1.1 KiB

Some Tiddlywiki resources that I collected.


  • Tiddlywiki Toolmap: A generous Tiddlywiki collection that is live on Dynalist.
  • Plugins and Resources: A subreddit.


  • Backlink Autocomplete Plugini: Autocomplete internal links plugin. Drag & Drop
  • Export as Static Site: Export

Macros and Function


  • Stylesheet Kullanma : Create a tiddler, then tag it with $:/tags/Stylesheet.

  • Remove Hidden Tiddlers: hidden tagged tiddlers from __Recent' Tab' with: <$macrocall $name="timeline" subfilter="!tag[.hidden]" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>


  • Inline Code: Use Backtick : inline code
  • Listing: <$list filter="[tag[Garden]]" > </$list>
  • New Tab in the Sidebar: Tag a tiddler with $:/tags/SideBar tag.