### Carnivore Fried Chicken Strips ![Carnivore Fried Chicken Strips from Ash Eats](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0386/0769/files/Blog___Carnivore_Diet_Recipes___12._Carnivore_Fried_Chicken_Strips.jpg?v=1631631569) Carnivore Fried Chicken Strips from Ash Eats Ingredients: - Chicken thighs - Pork cracklings - Eggs - Sea salt This is a great Carnivore Diet version of everyone’s favorite, chicken nuggets, except this version comes without the breading or industrial seed oils. Find the recipe for [Carnivore Fried Chicken Strips](https://ash-eats.com/carnivore-fried-chicken-strips/) at Ash Eats.