--- name: Install Node & NPM on zsh --- ## **Prerequisites** ```bash git zsh ``` *If not zsh refer to:* [**Install and Setup Zsh in Ubuntu**](https://www.notion.so/Install-and-Setup-Zsh-in-Ubuntu-15f92145b09240b9b90393d674eb72df) ## Run following commands in order ```bash cd ~/ mkdir .antigen cd .antigen curl -L git.io/antigen > antigen.zshtouch ~/.zshrc echo "source ~/.antigen/antigen.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc echo "# Load the oh-my-zsh's library." >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen use oh-my-zsh" >> ~/.zshrc echo "# Bundles from the default repo (robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh)." >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-nvm" >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle git" >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle heroku" >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle pip" >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle lein" >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle command-not-found" >> ~/.zshrc echo "# Syntax highlighting bundle." >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting" >> ~/.zshrc echo "# Load the theme." >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen theme robbyrussell" >> ~/.zshrc echo "# Tell Antigen that you're done." >> ~/.zshrc echo "antigen apply" >> ~/.zshrc ``` ## Restart terminal and run command This will trigger the zshrc to run and do the installation