up:: [[Terminal]] X:: [[install asahi linux]] tags:: #software # Add GPU support to Asahi Linux Before we can isntall the gpu drivers we first need to obviosly [[install asahi linux]] Afterwards, you can run the following series of commands: > to update the system ```bash sudo pacman -Syu ``` > [!NOTE] You may need to run this command multiple times > It takes a while so be patient - many retries Then, we can install the Asahi edge kernel package ```bash sudo pacman -S linux-asahi-edge ``` Then, install mesa edge ```bash sudo pacman -S mesa-asahi-edge ``` > [!NOTE] Replace existing? > You will be prompted to replace an existing mesa, just enter Y for (yes) and continue Now that we upgraded the edge kernel, we must update the GRUB ```bash sudo update-grub ``` > [!Hint] Weyland instead of Xorg > Its recommended to run the weyland session instead of the xorg session after doing this > If using the KDE plasma desktop, make sure to install the wayland session package > ```bash > sudo pacman -S plasma-wayland-session Now REBOOT ```bash sudo reboot ``` ### Then at top of login, pick wayland session type from dropdown >[!NOTE] THIS IS AN OPEN SOURCE, BETA SOLUTION