up:: [[🌎 Home]] tags:: #map > [!NOTE]+ Notes on this note > This is a sanitized version of my actual note. > - Almost all content and links have been removed. > - This is stuff covered in the LYT Workshop. > - Nick, go here [[My PKM MOC]]. # Meta PKM Hi Future Self 👋 Here are "best practices" for managing your PKM system. - Managing my PKM system - [[My PKM Folders]] - [[My PKM Tags]] - [[My PKM Metadata]] - [[My PKM Queries]] - Managing my PKM workflows ♽ - *What are my "best practice" workflows for processing the world of ideas?* - [[My PKM Workflows - Global Guidelines]] - [[My PKM Workflows - Inputs + Oldputs]] - [[My PKM Workflows - Outputs]]