up:: [[🌎 Home]] tags:: #map # Efforts 🏋️ > Efforts allow ideas to breath. Projects smother them. You can use this data view to compile any note you tag with: `#effort` ``` dataview TABLE WITHOUT ID file.link as Efforts, rank as "Rank" FROM #effort SORT rank desc ``` ## Why "Efforts" are liberating Thinking of your efforts as "efforts"—and not projects—is liberating and empowering because: - **The definition is clear** - Efforts require some sort of *effort*. When you tag a note as an effort, you are letting yourself know that some sort of effort is intended. - **The definition is not too clear** - Efforts have _linguistic wiggle room_. Terms like "projects" are too narrow in scope to define the breadth of what an effort can be. This ambiguity is a feature, not a bug. Learn more about efforts: - [[The big differences between efforts and projects]] - [[How ideas and efforts play nicely together]]