--- banner: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1050995657797816341/1090929816112468031/Triston_neovim_astrovim_128baf61-ab17-4aab-86c8-46ecc9643ca3.png" --- up:: [[Terminal]] ### Change word and all occurances the following key combonations select the current word under the cursor, then uses `cw` to `change word`. You input the new word, then press `esc` key, followed by `n` key for `next` and a `.` key to apply new word to current word ```ts * cw esc n . ``` ### Setting new macro pressing `q` will open a new macro on that letters "storage", whatever its called. You then press all the keys you want to record, for example the tip above this one, and then press `q` again to quit the macro recording.. ```ts q q ``` Now that a macro is recorded, you can press `@