up:: [[🌎 Home]] tags:: #map/view > [!NOTE]+ Only the "Boat" and "Develop" data views are included in the LYT Kit. > This is a sanitized version of my actual note. > > - Content and links have been removed. > - Nick, go here [[Notebox 🗃]] # The Notebox 🗃 The Notebox is a place of joy—without expectations or obligations. This will be a head-scratcher for a culture obsessed with tasks, but when you start giving your thoughts the honor the deserve, you start having better and better thoughts! Here's how it works: When you are in a note and have a feeling that you want to return to it—for some fuzzy or clear reason—just add a tag in that note. Then through the magic of data views, you can confidently use these auto-updating lists to find them later: ## Boats 🚤 You probably made these notes in a rush. These [[BOAT notes]] are *lonely boats floating in an empty ocean*. All you need to do is tether them to other notes, and maybe develop them a little bit. ```dataview List from #note/boat🚤 sort file.name asc ``` ## Develop 🍃 You are probably excited to develop these notes. Do some note-making by linking to other notes. Clarify and critique it. Color and cite it. ```dataview LIST FROM #note/develop🍃 SORT file.name asc ```