--- banner: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1050995657797816341/1091334359690268774/Triston_home_cabin_interior_warm_winter_hot_chocolate_fireplace_52182898-043d-49fa-ba72-215cf459995c.png?width=1174&height=658" banner_y: 0.52016 --- # Home 🌎 My launchpad and home base. That's here. That's home. ## Atlas These are maps to lauch my `efforts`. Where would you like to go? - My Main Sense making - 01 - [[Thinking MOC]] - 02 - [[Inbox]] and [[Notebox]] and [[Outbox]] - 03 - [[Daily Notes]] - Things - 04 - [[Library]] - 05 - [[People MOC]] - 06 - [[Sources MOC]] - 07 - [[Concepts MOC]] - 08 - [[Software MOC]] - Action and Reflection - 09 - [[Efforts]] - 10 - [[Plan and Review]] - Personal Management and Life Stuff - 11 - [[Health MOC]] and [[Finance MOC]] - 12 - [[Life Map]] and [[Meta PKM]] - 13 - [[Homestead MOC]]