2022-04-19 13:17:47 +07:00

188 lines
7.3 KiB
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import matter from 'gray-matter'
import unified from "unified";
import markdown from "remark-parse";
import {wikiLinkPlugin} from "remark-wiki-link";
import html from "remark-html";
import frontmatter from "remark-frontmatter";
import externalLinks from "remark-external-links";
import highlight from "remark-highlight.js";
import {Node} from "./node";
import rehypePrism from 'rehype-prism-plus'
import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
import {getAllMarkdownFiles, toFilePath, toSlug} from "./utils";
export const Transformer = {
haveFrontMatter: function (content) {
//console.log("\t Front matter data content", content)
if (!content) return false
const indexOfFirst = content.indexOf("---");
//console.log("\t Front matter data firstIndex ", indexOfFirst)
//console.log("index first", indexOfFirst)
if (indexOfFirst === -1) {
return false
let indexOfSecond = content.indexOf("---", (indexOfFirst + 1));
return indexOfSecond !== -1;
getFrontMatterData: function (filecontent) {
if (Transformer.haveFrontMatter(filecontent)) {
return matter(filecontent).data
return {}
pageResolver: function (pageName) {
const allFileNames = getAllMarkdownFiles()
const result = allFileNames.find(aFile => {
let parseFileNameFromPath = Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(aFile);
return Transformer.normalizeFileName(parseFileNameFromPath) === Transformer.normalizeFileName(pageName)
// permalink = permalink.replace("ç", "c").replace("ı", "i").replace("ş", "s")
// console.log(`/note/${toSlug(result)}`)
if (result === undefined || result.length === 0) {
// console.log("Cannot resolve file path " + pageName)
// console.log("Internal Link resolved: [" + pageName + "] ==> [" + temp[0] +"]")
return (result !== undefined && result.length > 0) ? [toSlug(result)] : ["/"]
hrefTemplate: function (permalink) {
// permalink = Transformer.normalizeFileName(permalink)
permalink = permalink.replace("ç", "c").replace("ı", "i").replace("ş", "s")
return `/note/${permalink}`;
}, getHtmlContent: function (content) {
let htmlContent = []
const sanitizedContent = Transformer.preprocessThreeDashes(content)
.use(markdown, {gfm: true})
.use(externalLinks, {target: "_blank", rel: ['noopener']})
.use(frontmatter, ['yaml', 'toml'])
.use(wikiLinkPlugin, {
permalinks: null,
pageResolver: function (pageName) {
return Transformer.pageResolver(pageName)
hrefTemplate: function (permalink) {
return Transformer.hrefTemplate(permalink);
aliasDivider: "|"
function (err, file) {
htmlContent.push(String(file).replace("\n", ""))
if (err) {
console.log("ERRROR:" + err)
htmlContent = htmlContent.join("")
htmlContent = htmlContent.split("---")
return [htmlContent]
preprocessThreeDashes: function (content) {
const indexOfFirst = content.indexOf("---");
if (indexOfFirst === -1) {
return content
const indexOfSecond = content.indexOf("---", (indexOfFirst + 1));
content.slice(0, indexOfSecond);
const contentPart = content.slice(indexOfSecond);
return contentPart.split("---").join("")
/* Normalize File Names */
normalizeFileName: function (filename) {
let processedFileName = filename.replace(".md", "");
processedFileName = processedFileName.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
processedFileName = processedFileName.split(" ").join("-")
processedFileName = processedFileName.toLowerCase()
const conversionLetters = [
["ç", "c"], ["ş", "s"], ["ı", "i"], ["ü", "u"], ["ö", "o"], ["ğ", "g"],
["Ç", "C"], ["Ş", "S"], ["İ", "I"], ["Ü", "U"], ["Ö", "O"], ["Ğ", "G"]
conversionLetters.forEach(letterPair => {
processedFileName = processedFileName.split(letterPair[0]).join(letterPair[1])
//processedFileName = processedFileName.replace(letterPair[0], letterPair[1])
//console.log("filename", processedFileName)
return processedFileName
/* Parse file name from path then sanitize it */
parseFileNameFromPath: function (filepath) {
const parsedFileFromPath = filepath.split("/")[filepath.split("/").length - 1]
return parsedFileFromPath.replace(".md", "")
/* Pair provided and existing Filenames*/
getInternalLinks: function (aFilePath) {
const fileContent = Node.readFileSync(aFilePath);
const internalLinks = []
const sanitizedContent = Transformer.preprocessThreeDashes(fileContent)
.use(markdown, {gfm: true})
.use(wikiLinkPlugin, {
pageResolver: function (pageName) {
// let name = [Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(pageName)];
let canonicalSlug;
if (pageName.includes('#')) {
// console.log(pageName)
const tempSlug = pageName.split('#')[0]
if (tempSlug.length === 0) {
// Meaning it in form of #Heading1 --> slug will be this file slug
canonicalSlug = toSlug(aFilePath)
} else {
canonicalSlug =Transformer.pageResolver(tempSlug)[0].split('#')[0]
} else {
canonicalSlug = Transformer.pageResolver(pageName)[0].split('#')[0]
const backLink = {
title: Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(toFilePath(canonicalSlug)),
slug: canonicalSlug,
shortSummary: canonicalSlug
if (canonicalSlug != null && internalLinks.indexOf(canonicalSlug) < 0) {
return [canonicalSlug]
hrefTemplate: function (permalink) {
return Transformer.hrefTemplate(permalink)
aliasDivider: "|"
// console.log("Internal Links of: " + aFilePath)
// internalLinks.forEach(aLink => {
// console.log(aLink.title + " --> " + aLink.slug)
// })
// console.log("===============Internal Links")
return internalLinks;