import path from 'path' import matter from 'gray-matter' import fs from "fs" import { Node } from "./node" var remark = require('remark') const unified = require('unified') const markdown = require('remark-parse') const { wikiLinkPlugin } = require('remark-wiki-link'); var guide = require('remark-preset-lint-markdown-style-guide') var html = require('remark-html') var report = require('vfile-reporter') const postsDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'posts') const isFile = fileName => { return fs.lstatSync(fileName).isFile() } export function getSortedPostsData() { // Get file names under /posts const filePaths = Node.getFiles(postsDirectory).filter(fn => fn.endsWith(".md")) const fileNames = => f.split("/")[f.split("/").length - 1].replace(".md", "")) //console.log("filePaths", filePaths) var allPostsData = => { //console.log("filename", fileNames) // Remove ".md" from file name to get id const slug = fileName.replace(/\.md$/, '').split("/")[fileName.split("/").length - 1] //console.log("slug", slug) // Read markdown file as string const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8') // Use gray-matter to parse the post metadata section const matterResult = Remark.getFrontMatterData(fileContent)// matter(fileContent).data const permalink = matterResult.permalink const content = fileContent.split("---\n")[fileContent.split("---").length -1 ] //console.log("content", content) //console.log("frontmatter \n\n", fileContents) // let processor = unified() // .use(markdown, { gfm: true }) // .use(wikiLinkPlugin) const htmlContent = Remark.getHtmlContent(fileContent, { fileNames:fileNames, permalink: `/note/${permalink}` }) //unified() //.use(markdown) //.use(wikiLinkPlugin, { // permalinks:fileNames, // pageResolver: function(pageName){return [pageName.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase()]}, // hrefTemplate: function(permalink){return `/note/${permalink}`} //}).use(html) //.process(content, // function (err, file) { // //console.log("asd", String(file).slice(0,50)) // //console.error("remark: ", report(err || file)) // htmlContent.push(String(file).replace("\n", "")) // } //) //console.log("tree",tree) console.log("htmlContent", htmlContent,) // Combine the data with the slug return { id:slug, ...matterResult, data:htmlContent } }) return allPostsData } export async function getSortedPostsData() { // Get file names under /posts const fileNames = Node.getFiles(postsDirectory).filter(fn => fn.endsWith(".md")) console.log("filenames", fileNames) var allPostsData = => { //console.log("filename", fileName) // Remove ".md" from file name to get id const slug = fileName.replace(/\.md$/, '').split("/")[fileName.split("/").length - 1] //console.log("slug", slug) // Read markdown file as string const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8') // Use gray-matter to parse the post metadata section const matterResult = matter(fileContents).data const content = fileContents.split("---\n")[fileContents.split("---").length -1 ] //console.log("content", content) //console.log("frontmatter \n\n", fileContents) // let processor = unified() // .use(markdown, { gfm: true }) // .use(wikiLinkPlugin) const htmlContent = [] remark().use(html). process(content, function (err, file) { //console.log("asd", String(file).slice(0,50)) //console.error("remark: ", report(err || file)) htmlContent.push(String(file).replace("\n", "")) }) //var processor = unified() // .use(markdown, { gfm: true }) // .use(wikiLinkPlugin) //console.log("processor", processor); //const res = process.stdin.pipe(stream(processor)).pipe(process.stdout) var tree = unified().use(markdown).parse(content) console.log(tree) console.log("htmlContent", htmlContent.length,) // Combine the data with the slug return { id:slug, ...matterResult, data:htmlContent.join("") } }) return allPostsData }