## What is XeNote? XeNote is a free open-source alternative solution to [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish) Here's how it looks once published, checkout demo here: [demo](https://tristonarmstrong.com/notes) This website includes a published version of default Obsidian Help vault, See it in action here **MindStone features:** - ✅ **Drop-in** support for (default) **Obsidian Vault** - ✅ `[[Wiki Link]]` built-in support - ✅ **Folder-base** navigation side bar - ✅ Backlink support out of the box - ✅ Interactive Graph view - ✅ **Easy to deploy** to Netlify, Vercel... ## Getting started ### Run on your local machine Steps to run it on your local machine: 1. Clone this [Github repo](https://github.com/TuanManhCao/digital-garden) 2. Install [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#mac-stable) package manager 3. Copy all of your **markdown** file (`.md` only) and folder to `/posts/` **except** `/posts/index.md` file 4. Copy all of your images from your Obsidian Vault to `/public/images/` folder 5. Go to root folder of your project, run `yarn && yarn run dev` 6. Open this link in your browser http://localhost:3000/ If you prefer video content have a look at my 📺 [walk through video](https://youtu.be/7_SmWA-_Wx8) ### Publish to the internet Setup environment (with Netlify) 1. Create your Github account and clone [my repository](https://github.com/TuanManhCao/digital-garden) 2. Create Netlify account and follow [this instruction](https://www.netlify.com/blog/2020/11/30/how-to-deploy-next.js-sites-to-netlify/) Your normal workflow for publishing content, after initial setup is: 1. Simply writing your content in Obisidian (or your favourite Markdown editor) 2. Commit your changes and Push it to your Github repo If you prefer video content, watch my 📺 [walk through video](https://youtu.be/n8QDO6l64aw) here ## Future development These are just some basic features for MindStone v1, many more are coming (if I find enough of interest and this will probably a premium/paid option): - 🎯 Obsidian, Notion, VSCode Plugin - 🎯 Page Preview (like Obsidian Core plugin) - 🎯 Andy Sliding pane - 🎯 Full text search with `Cmd + K` - 🎯 Infinite canvas for browsing through notes and connections ### Some know issues This an early version of MindStone, which mean there are bugs and issues. Below are some known issues, that I plan to work on: - Graphview does not load when clicking on side-bar or click node on graphview, browser reload will refresh it state - Graph view layout and interaction is still very rough. More UI/UX improvements are needed. - Transclusion is not working yet.