'use strict'; const color = require('color'); const is = require('./is'); /** * Rotate the output image by either an explicit angle * or auto-orient based on the EXIF `Orientation` tag. * * If an angle is provided, it is converted to a valid positive degree rotation. * For example, `-450` will produce a 270deg rotation. * * When rotating by an angle other than a multiple of 90, * the background colour can be provided with the `background` option. * * If no angle is provided, it is determined from the EXIF data. * Mirroring is supported and may infer the use of a flip operation. * * The use of `rotate` implies the removal of the EXIF `Orientation` tag, if any. * * Method order is important when both rotating and extracting regions, * for example `rotate(x).extract(y)` will produce a different result to `extract(y).rotate(x)`. * * @example * const pipeline = sharp() * .rotate() * .resize(null, 200) * .toBuffer(function (err, outputBuffer, info) { * // outputBuffer contains 200px high JPEG image data, * // auto-rotated using EXIF Orientation tag * // info.width and info.height contain the dimensions of the resized image * }); * readableStream.pipe(pipeline); * * @param {number} [angle=auto] angle of rotation. * @param {Object} [options] - if present, is an Object with optional attributes. * @param {string|Object} [options.background="#000000"] parsed by the [color](https://www.npmjs.org/package/color) module to extract values for red, green, blue and alpha. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function rotate (angle, options) { if (!is.defined(angle)) { this.options.useExifOrientation = true; } else if (is.integer(angle) && !(angle % 90)) { this.options.angle = angle; } else if (is.number(angle)) { this.options.rotationAngle = angle; if (is.object(options) && options.background) { const backgroundColour = color(options.background); this.options.rotationBackground = [ backgroundColour.red(), backgroundColour.green(), backgroundColour.blue(), Math.round(backgroundColour.alpha() * 255) ]; } } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('angle', 'numeric', angle); } return this; } /** * Flip the image about the vertical Y axis. This always occurs after rotation, if any. * The use of `flip` implies the removal of the EXIF `Orientation` tag, if any. * @param {Boolean} [flip=true] * @returns {Sharp} */ function flip (flip) { this.options.flip = is.bool(flip) ? flip : true; return this; } /** * Flop the image about the horizontal X axis. This always occurs after rotation, if any. * The use of `flop` implies the removal of the EXIF `Orientation` tag, if any. * @param {Boolean} [flop=true] * @returns {Sharp} */ function flop (flop) { this.options.flop = is.bool(flop) ? flop : true; return this; } /** * Sharpen the image. * When used without parameters, performs a fast, mild sharpen of the output image. * When a `sigma` is provided, performs a slower, more accurate sharpen of the L channel in the LAB colour space. * Separate control over the level of sharpening in "flat" and "jagged" areas is available. * * @param {number} [sigma] - the sigma of the Gaussian mask, where `sigma = 1 + radius / 2`. * @param {number} [flat=1.0] - the level of sharpening to apply to "flat" areas. * @param {number} [jagged=2.0] - the level of sharpening to apply to "jagged" areas. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function sharpen (sigma, flat, jagged) { if (!is.defined(sigma)) { // No arguments: default to mild sharpen this.options.sharpenSigma = -1; } else if (is.bool(sigma)) { // Boolean argument: apply mild sharpen? this.options.sharpenSigma = sigma ? -1 : 0; } else if (is.number(sigma) && is.inRange(sigma, 0.01, 10000)) { // Numeric argument: specific sigma this.options.sharpenSigma = sigma; // Control over flat areas if (is.defined(flat)) { if (is.number(flat) && is.inRange(flat, 0, 10000)) { this.options.sharpenFlat = flat; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('flat', 'number between 0 and 10000', flat); } } // Control over jagged areas if (is.defined(jagged)) { if (is.number(jagged) && is.inRange(jagged, 0, 10000)) { this.options.sharpenJagged = jagged; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('jagged', 'number between 0 and 10000', jagged); } } } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('sigma', 'number between 0.01 and 10000', sigma); } return this; } /** * Apply median filter. * When used without parameters the default window is 3x3. * @param {number} [size=3] square mask size: size x size * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function median (size) { if (!is.defined(size)) { // No arguments: default to 3x3 this.options.medianSize = 3; } else if (is.integer(size) && is.inRange(size, 1, 1000)) { // Numeric argument: specific sigma this.options.medianSize = size; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('size', 'integer between 1 and 1000', size); } return this; } /** * Blur the image. * When used without parameters, performs a fast, mild blur of the output image. * When a `sigma` is provided, performs a slower, more accurate Gaussian blur. * @param {number} [sigma] a value between 0.3 and 1000 representing the sigma of the Gaussian mask, where `sigma = 1 + radius / 2`. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function blur (sigma) { if (!is.defined(sigma)) { // No arguments: default to mild blur this.options.blurSigma = -1; } else if (is.bool(sigma)) { // Boolean argument: apply mild blur? this.options.blurSigma = sigma ? -1 : 0; } else if (is.number(sigma) && is.inRange(sigma, 0.3, 1000)) { // Numeric argument: specific sigma this.options.blurSigma = sigma; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('sigma', 'number between 0.3 and 1000', sigma); } return this; } /** * Merge alpha transparency channel, if any, with a background. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {string|Object} [options.background={r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}] - background colour, parsed by the [color](https://www.npmjs.org/package/color) module, defaults to black. * @returns {Sharp} */ function flatten (options) { this.options.flatten = is.bool(options) ? options : true; if (is.object(options)) { this._setBackgroundColourOption('flattenBackground', options.background); } return this; } /** * Apply a gamma correction by reducing the encoding (darken) pre-resize at a factor of `1/gamma` * then increasing the encoding (brighten) post-resize at a factor of `gamma`. * This can improve the perceived brightness of a resized image in non-linear colour spaces. * JPEG and WebP input images will not take advantage of the shrink-on-load performance optimisation * when applying a gamma correction. * * Supply a second argument to use a different output gamma value, otherwise the first value is used in both cases. * * @param {number} [gamma=2.2] value between 1.0 and 3.0. * @param {number} [gammaOut] value between 1.0 and 3.0. (optional, defaults to same as `gamma`) * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function gamma (gamma, gammaOut) { if (!is.defined(gamma)) { // Default gamma correction of 2.2 (sRGB) this.options.gamma = 2.2; } else if (is.number(gamma) && is.inRange(gamma, 1, 3)) { this.options.gamma = gamma; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('gamma', 'number between 1.0 and 3.0', gamma); } if (!is.defined(gammaOut)) { // Default gamma correction for output is same as input this.options.gammaOut = this.options.gamma; } else if (is.number(gammaOut) && is.inRange(gammaOut, 1, 3)) { this.options.gammaOut = gammaOut; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('gammaOut', 'number between 1.0 and 3.0', gammaOut); } return this; } /** * Produce the "negative" of the image. * @param {Boolean} [negate=true] * @returns {Sharp} */ function negate (negate) { this.options.negate = is.bool(negate) ? negate : true; return this; } /** * Enhance output image contrast by stretching its luminance to cover the full dynamic range. * @param {Boolean} [normalise=true] * @returns {Sharp} */ function normalise (normalise) { this.options.normalise = is.bool(normalise) ? normalise : true; return this; } /** * Alternative spelling of normalise. * @param {Boolean} [normalize=true] * @returns {Sharp} */ function normalize (normalize) { return this.normalise(normalize); } /** * Convolve the image with the specified kernel. * * @example * sharp(input) * .convolve({ * width: 3, * height: 3, * kernel: [-1, 0, 1, -2, 0, 2, -1, 0, 1] * }) * .raw() * .toBuffer(function(err, data, info) { * // data contains the raw pixel data representing the convolution * // of the input image with the horizontal Sobel operator * }); * * @param {Object} kernel * @param {number} kernel.width - width of the kernel in pixels. * @param {number} kernel.height - width of the kernel in pixels. * @param {Array} kernel.kernel - Array of length `width*height` containing the kernel values. * @param {number} [kernel.scale=sum] - the scale of the kernel in pixels. * @param {number} [kernel.offset=0] - the offset of the kernel in pixels. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function convolve (kernel) { if (!is.object(kernel) || !Array.isArray(kernel.kernel) || !is.integer(kernel.width) || !is.integer(kernel.height) || !is.inRange(kernel.width, 3, 1001) || !is.inRange(kernel.height, 3, 1001) || kernel.height * kernel.width !== kernel.kernel.length ) { // must pass in a kernel throw new Error('Invalid convolution kernel'); } // Default scale is sum of kernel values if (!is.integer(kernel.scale)) { kernel.scale = kernel.kernel.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0); } // Clip scale to a minimum value of 1 if (kernel.scale < 1) { kernel.scale = 1; } if (!is.integer(kernel.offset)) { kernel.offset = 0; } this.options.convKernel = kernel; return this; } /** * Any pixel value greather than or equal to the threshold value will be set to 255, otherwise it will be set to 0. * @param {number} [threshold=128] - a value in the range 0-255 representing the level at which the threshold will be applied. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.greyscale=true] - convert to single channel greyscale. * @param {Boolean} [options.grayscale=true] - alternative spelling for greyscale. * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function threshold (threshold, options) { if (!is.defined(threshold)) { this.options.threshold = 128; } else if (is.bool(threshold)) { this.options.threshold = threshold ? 128 : 0; } else if (is.integer(threshold) && is.inRange(threshold, 0, 255)) { this.options.threshold = threshold; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('threshold', 'integer between 0 and 255', threshold); } if (!is.object(options) || options.greyscale === true || options.grayscale === true) { this.options.thresholdGrayscale = true; } else { this.options.thresholdGrayscale = false; } return this; } /** * Perform a bitwise boolean operation with operand image. * * This operation creates an output image where each pixel is the result of * the selected bitwise boolean `operation` between the corresponding pixels of the input images. * * @param {Buffer|string} operand - Buffer containing image data or string containing the path to an image file. * @param {string} operator - one of `and`, `or` or `eor` to perform that bitwise operation, like the C logic operators `&`, `|` and `^` respectively. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Object} [options.raw] - describes operand when using raw pixel data. * @param {number} [options.raw.width] * @param {number} [options.raw.height] * @param {number} [options.raw.channels] * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function boolean (operand, operator, options) { this.options.boolean = this._createInputDescriptor(operand, options); if (is.string(operator) && is.inArray(operator, ['and', 'or', 'eor'])) { this.options.booleanOp = operator; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('operator', 'one of: and, or, eor', operator); } return this; } /** * Apply the linear formula a * input + b to the image (levels adjustment) * @param {number} [a=1.0] multiplier * @param {number} [b=0.0] offset * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function linear (a, b) { if (!is.defined(a)) { this.options.linearA = 1.0; } else if (is.number(a)) { this.options.linearA = a; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('a', 'numeric', a); } if (!is.defined(b)) { this.options.linearB = 0.0; } else if (is.number(b)) { this.options.linearB = b; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('b', 'numeric', b); } return this; } /** * Recomb the image with the specified matrix. * * @since 0.21.1 * * @example * sharp(input) * .recomb([ * [0.3588, 0.7044, 0.1368], * [0.2990, 0.5870, 0.1140], * [0.2392, 0.4696, 0.0912], * ]) * .raw() * .toBuffer(function(err, data, info) { * // data contains the raw pixel data after applying the recomb * // With this example input, a sepia filter has been applied * }); * * @param {Array>} inputMatrix - 3x3 Recombination matrix * @returns {Sharp} * @throws {Error} Invalid parameters */ function recomb (inputMatrix) { if (!Array.isArray(inputMatrix) || inputMatrix.length !== 3 || inputMatrix[0].length !== 3 || inputMatrix[1].length !== 3 || inputMatrix[2].length !== 3 ) { // must pass in a kernel throw new Error('Invalid recombination matrix'); } this.options.recombMatrix = [ inputMatrix[0][0], inputMatrix[0][1], inputMatrix[0][2], inputMatrix[1][0], inputMatrix[1][1], inputMatrix[1][2], inputMatrix[2][0], inputMatrix[2][1], inputMatrix[2][2] ].map(Number); return this; } /** * Transforms the image using brightness, saturation and hue rotation. * * @since 0.22.1 * * @example * sharp(input) * .modulate({ * brightness: 2 // increase lightness by a factor of 2 * }); * * sharp(input) * .modulate({ * hue: 180 // hue-rotate by 180 degrees * }); * * // decreate brightness and saturation while also hue-rotating by 90 degrees * sharp(input) * .modulate({ * brightness: 0.5, * saturation: 0.5, * hue: 90 * }); * * @param {Object} [options] * @param {number} [options.brightness] Brightness multiplier * @param {number} [options.saturation] Saturation multiplier * @param {number} [options.hue] Degrees for hue rotation * @returns {Sharp} */ function modulate (options) { if (!is.plainObject(options)) { throw is.invalidParameterError('options', 'plain object', options); } if ('brightness' in options) { if (is.number(options.brightness) && options.brightness >= 0) { this.options.brightness = options.brightness; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('brightness', 'number above zero', options.brightness); } } if ('saturation' in options) { if (is.number(options.saturation) && options.saturation >= 0) { this.options.saturation = options.saturation; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('saturation', 'number above zero', options.saturation); } } if ('hue' in options) { if (is.integer(options.hue)) { this.options.hue = options.hue % 360; } else { throw is.invalidParameterError('hue', 'number', options.hue); } } return this; } /** * Decorate the Sharp prototype with operation-related functions. * @private */ module.exports = function (Sharp) { Object.assign(Sharp.prototype, { rotate, flip, flop, sharpen, median, blur, flatten, gamma, negate, normalise, normalize, convolve, threshold, boolean, linear, recomb, modulate }); };