import Head from "next/head"; import { useEffect,useRef } from "react"; import Link from 'next/link' import Layout, { siteTitle } from "../components/layout"; import { getSinglePost, getAllBacklinks } from "../lib/post"; var jsnx = require('jsnetworkx'); export default function Home({ content, backlinks, filenames }) { const ref = useRef(null); console.log("Index Page Props: ", backlinks, filenames) //var G = jsnx.binomialGraph(filenames.length, 1) //var G = jsnx.completeGraph(filenames.length); useEffect(() => { if (ref.current){ var G = new jsnx.Graph(); G.addNode(1, {count: 12}); G.addNode(2, {count: 8}); G.addNode(3, {count: 15}); G.addEdgesFrom([[1,2],[2,3]]); jsnx.draw(G, { element: ref.current, withLabels: true, nodeAttr: { r: function(d) { // `d` has the properties `node`, `data` and `G` return; } } }); } }) return (
); } export function getStaticProps() { const contentData = getSinglePost(""); const [backlinksRaw, filenamesRaw] = getAllBacklinks(); return { props: { content:contentData, backlinks:JSON.parse(backlinksRaw), filenames:JSON.parse(filenamesRaw) //sidebar:sidebarData }, }; }