Internal links are the backbone of your knowledge network. ### Link to files To create an internal link, simply type `[[`. This will prompt you with the list of notes you can link to. Use `Up arrow` and `Down arrow` to navigate the suggestion list and `Enter` to select the current highlighted link. ### Link to headings You can also link to specific headers in files. Start typing a link like you would normally. When the note you want is highlighted, press `#` instead of `Enter` and you'll see a list of headings in that file. Continue typing or navigate with arrow keys as before, press `#`again at each subheading you want to add, and `Enter` to complete the link. To make the link display different text than its real note name in Preview, use the vertical pipe (`Shift+|`) For example: [[Internal link|Custom Link Name in Preview!]] This can be combined with linking to headers, as in [[Folding#By way of example|Example of Folding]]. ### Following Links - To follow a link in the Preview pane, simply click on the link. - To follow a link in a new panel from Preview, click while pressing `Ctrl/Cmd`'' - To follow a link in the Editor pane, click the link while pressing `Ctrl/Cmd`. - To follow a link in a new panel from the Editor, click the link while pressing `Ctrl/Cmd-Shift`'' - To see a preview of the linked content without leaving the current note, enable the [[page preview]] plugin and a popup window will be displayed.