import path from 'path' const dirTree = require("directory-tree"); import { Node } from "./node" import { Transformer } from "./transformer"; function pathSelector(filename, allFilePaths){ if (filename.replace(".md", "") === "index"){ return "/" } else if (filename.replace(".md", "") === "sidebar"){ return "/" } const editedFilePaths = allFilePaths.filter(f => !(f.endsWith("") && f.endsWith("") )) return editedFilePaths } const postsDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'posts') export function getSinglePost(filename) { console.log("\n\nFile is scanning: ", filename) // List of filenames that will provide existing links to wikilink var filePaths = Node.getFiles(postsDirectory) const fileNames = => Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(f)) //console.log("\t filenames: ",fileNames, "\n") // IF filename is not THEN Exclude from file list var currentFilePath; if (filename === "sidebar"){ //console.log(111) currentFilePath = path.join(postsDirectory, "/") } else if (filename === "index"){ //console.log(222) currentFilePath = path.join(postsDirectory, "/") } else { //console.log(333) filePaths = filePaths.filter(f => !(f.endsWith("") && f.endsWith(""))) //console.log("\tDirectory is scanning to find corresponding filename") currentFilePath = Transformer.pairCurrentFile(filename, filePaths) //console.log("\tScan is finished. Founded filepath", currentFilePath, "\n") } //console.log("currentFilePath: ", currentFilePath) var fileContent = Node.readFileSync(currentFilePath) const currentFileFrontMatter = Transformer.getFrontMatterData(fileContent) //console.log("\tFounded front matter data: ", currentFileFrontMatter, "\n") // fileContent = Transformer.preprocessThreeDashes(fileContent) //fileContent = fileContent.split("---").join("") //console.log("filecontent end") const [htmlContent, backlinks] = Transformer.getHtmlContent(fileContent, { fileNames:fileNames, }) //console.log("hrmlcontents and backlinks") return { id:filename, ...currentFileFrontMatter, data:htmlContent } } export function getAllBacklinks(){ //console.log("\n\nBacklinks are scanning") //var bimap = new BiMap var internalLinks = [] // Get file names under /posts const filePaths = Node.getFiles(postsDirectory).filter(f => !f.endsWith("")) const fileNames = => Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(f)) //console.log("\tFounded filePaths: ", fileNames) var allBacklinkData = => { // Remove ".md" from file name to get id const slug = Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(fileName) //console.log("filename", fileNames) const fileData = { id:slug } //console.log("AllBacklinks slug", slug) // Read markdown file as string var fileContent = Node.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8') const frontmatterData = Transformer.getFrontMatterData(fileContent) const requiredParameters = ["title", "description"] requiredParameters.forEach(param => { if (frontmatterData[param]) fileData[param] = frontmatterData[param] }) //fileContent = fileContent.split("---").join("") const [htmlContent, backlinks] = Transformer.getHtmlContent(fileContent, { fileNames:fileNames, }) // Check if scanned slug post has any internal links const existingInternalLink = backlinks.filter(bl => fileNames.includes(bl)) = existingInternalLink fileData.href = slug === "index" ? "/" : `/note/${slug}` //console.log("\n\nbacklinks",[ slug, [backlinks]] ) //bimap.push(slug, backlinks) // Check if internal link exists //const internalLinks = backlinks.filter(bl => fileNames.includes(bl)) internalLinks.push(fileData) //console.log("bimap: ", bimap.key(slug)) // Combine the data with the slug //return backlinkList.length > 0 ? JSON.stringify(backlinkList) : null }) //console.log("founded internal links for ", internalLinks) //console.log("\n\ninternal list: ", internalLinks) return internalLinks //return [allBacklinkData.filter(bl => bl !== null), JSON.stringify(fileNames)] } export function getGraphData(){ const backlinkData = getAllBacklinks() const elements = [] // First create Nodes backlinkData.forEach(el => { const node = {data: {id:}}; if(el.title){ = el.title } if (el.description){ = el.description } elements.push(node) } ) // Second create Edges backlinkData.forEach(el => { // check if has any internal link if ( > 0){ // create edge from element to its links => { const edge = { data: { id: `${}-${linkElement}`, source:, target: linkElement } } elements.push(edge) }) } }) return elements } export function getPostListData() { //console.log("\n\nAll Posts are scanning") // Get file names under /posts const filePaths = Node.getFiles(postsDirectory).filter(f => !(f.endsWith("index") || f.endsWith("sidebar"))) const fileNames = => Transformer.parseFileNameFromPath(f)) //console.log("filePaths", filePaths) return fileNames } export function getDirectoryData() { const filteredDirectory = dirTree(postsDirectory,{ extensions: /\.md/ }); const convertedData = convertObject(filteredDirectory) // console.log() // const array = getFlattenArray(convertedData) return convertedData } let _counter = 0; export function convertObject(thisObject) { const children = [] let routerPath = getPostListData().find(fileName => fileName === Transformer.normalizeFileName( ) || null routerPath = routerPath ? '/note/' +routerPath : null const newObject = {name:, children: children, id: (_counter++).toString(), routePath: routerPath || null }; if (thisObject.children != null && thisObject.children.length > 0) { thisObject.children.forEach(aChild => { const newChild = convertObject(aChild) children.push(newChild) }) return newObject; } else { return newObject } } function flat(array) { var result = []; array.forEach(function (a) { result.push(a); if (Array.isArray(a.children)) { result = result.concat(flat(a.children)); } }); return result; } export function getFlattenArray (thisObject) { return flat(thisObject.children) }