from typing import Union class RFile(): """ Access to restricted files. These files can only be created and accessed within the program. Files can be uploaded to provide initial values via the Global Scripter® project. --- Arguments: - Filename (string) - Name of file to open - mode (string) - the mode in which the files is opened. - encoding (string) - the name of the encoding used to decode/encode the file. - newline (string) - controls how universal newlines mode works Note: - mode, encoding, and newline have the same meanings as those passed to the built-in function open(). See the documentation at - ChangeDir(), DeleteDir(), DeleteFile(), Exists(), GetCurrentDir(), ListDir(), MakeDir(), and RenameFile() are all classmethods. Note: For restricted file access, substitute File with RFile in the examples above and below. --- Parameters: - Filename - Returns (string) - name of file """ Filename: str = '' mode: str = '' encoding: str = '' newline: str = '' def __init__(self, Filename: str, mode: str='r', encoding: str=None, newline: str=None) -> None: """ RFile class constructor. Arguments: - Filename (string) - Name of file to open - mode (string) - the mode in which the files is opened. - encoding (string) - the name of the encoding used to decode/encode the file. - newline (string) - controls how universal newlines mode works """ ... def ChangeDir(self, path: str) -> None: """ Change the current working directory to path Arguments: - path (string) - path to directory """ ... def DeleteDir(self, path: str) -> None: """ Remove a directory Arguments: - path (string) - path to directory """ ... def DeleteFile(self, filename: str) -> None: """ Delete a file Arguments: - filename (string) - the name of the file to be deleted (path to file) """ ... def Exists(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Return True if path exists Arguments: - path (string) - path to directory Returns - true if exists else false (bool) """ ... def GetCurrentDir(self) -> str: """ Get the current path. Returns - the current working directory (string) """ ... def ListDir(self, path: str=None) -> str: """ List directory contents Arguments: - path (string) - if provided, path to directory to list, else list current directory Returns - directory listing (string) """ ... def MakeDir(self, path: str) -> None: """ Make a new directory Arguments: - path (string) - path to directory """ ... def RenameFile(self, oldname: str, newname: str) -> None: """ Rename a file from oldname to newname Arguments: - oldname (string) - the original filename - newname (string) - the filename to rename to """ ... def close(self) -> None: """ Close an already opened file """ ... def read(self, size: int=-1) -> bytes: """ Read data from opened file Arguments: - size (int) - max number of char/bytes to read Returns - data (bytes) """ ... def readline(self) -> bytes: """ Read from opened file until newline or EOF occurs Returns - data (bytes) """ ... def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int=0) -> None: """ Change the stream position Arguments: - offset (int) - offset from the start of the file - (optional) whence (int) - - 0 = absolute file positioning - 1 = seek relative to the current position - 2 = seek relative to the file’s end. Note: Files opened in text mode (i.e. not using 'b'), only seeks relative to the beginning of the file are allowed – the exception being a seek to the very file end with seek(0,2). """ ... def tell(self) -> int: """ Returns the current cursor position Returns - the current cursor position (int) """ ... def write(self, data: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: """ Write string or bytes to file Arguments: - data (string, bytes) - data to be written to file """ ... def writelines(self, seq: list[str]) -> None: """ Write iterable object such as a list of strings Arguments: - seq (e.g. list of strings) - iterable sequence Raises: - FileNotOpenError """ ...