from typing import Optional class Email(): """ Class to send email using the configured mail settings. The confiured settings can be over ridden during instantiation. Note: default sender will be login username@unit-name or hostname@unit-name if there is no authentication. To override, call Sender() --- Arguments: - smtpServer (string) - ip address or hostname of SMTP server - port (int) - port number - username (string) - login username for SMTP authentication - password (string) - login password for SMTP authentication - sslEnabled (bool) - Enable (True) or Disable (False) SSL for the connection """ smtpServer: str = '' port: int = 0 username: str = '' password: str = '' sslEnabled: bool = False def __init__(self, smtpServer: str=None, port: int=None, username: str=None, password: str=None, sslEnabled: bool=None): """ Email class constructor. Arguments: - smtpServer (string) - ip address or hostname of SMTP server - port (int) - port number - username (string) - login username for SMTP authentication - password (string) - login password for SMTP authentication - sslEnabled (bool) - Enable (True) or Disable (False) SSL for the connection """ ... def Receiver(self, receiver: list[str]=None, cc: bool=False) -> None: """ Set receiver’s email address(es) by passing in a list of strings. For example, ['‘,’‘] It will appear in the field of the email. If cc is set to True, it will appear in the field of the email. Arguments: - receiver (list of strings) - receiver’s email address(es) - (optional) cc (bool) - Set True to put the receiver address(es) in the cc list Note: Receiver() must be called each time the list changes. """ ... def SendMessage(self, msg:str) -> None: """ Create main body of the email and send out. Message string will be sent out as plain text. Arguments: - msg (string) - message to send """ ... def Sender(self, sender: str) -> None: """ Set sender’s email address. It will appear in the field of the email. Arguments: - sender (string) - sender email address Note: Overrides default sender. """ ... def Subject(self, subject: str) -> None: """ Set email’s subject. It will appear in the field of the email. Arguments: - subject (string) - subject of the email """ ...