from typing import Union class MESet(): """ The Mutually Exclusive set allows for the grouping of objects to allow easy selection of related items. For instance, a group of buttons could be grouped so that selecting one button deselects the others in the group. --- Compatible extronlib classes: - IOInterface (and any children): - extronlib.interface.RelayInterface - extronlib.interface.FlexIOInterface (Output only) - extronlib.interface.DigitalIOInterface (Output only) - extronlib.interface.SWPowerInterface - Button: --- Arguments: - Objects (list) - list of compatible objects Note: - Each object must have a method SetState. - SetState must take an integer argument. - Any object with a SetState function that takes an integer object is compatible with this class. - A programmer can create their own class and use it with MESet. --- Parameters: - Objects - Returns (list) - the list of objects to track """ Objects: list[object] = [] def __init__(self, Objects: list[object]) -> None: """ MESet class constructor. Arguments: - Objects (list) - list of compatible objects """ ... def Append(self, obj: object) -> None: """ Add an object to the list Arguments: - obj (any) - any compatible object to add """ ... def GetCurrent(self) -> object: """ Gets the currently selected object in the group. Returns - the currently selected object in the group. """ ... def Remove(self, obj: Union[int, object]) -> None: """ Remove an object from the list Arguments: - obj (int or compatible object) - the object or the index of the object """ ... def SetCurrent(self, obj: Union[int, object]) -> None: """ Selects the current object in the group Arguments: - obj (int or compatible object) - the object or the index of the object Note: When None is passed in, all objects will be deselected. """ ... def SetStates(self, obj: Union[int, object], offState: int, onState: int) -> None: """ Selects the off and on states for the object (i.e. use states other than the default 0 and 1, respectively). Arguments: - obj (int or object) - the object or the index of the object - offState (int) - the ID of the deselected state - onState (int) - the ID of the selected state """ ...