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class EthernetClientInterface():
""" This class provides an interface to a client ethernet socket. This class allows the user to send data over the ethernet port in a synchronous or asynchronous manner.
Note: In synchronous mode, the user will use SendAndWait to wait for the response. In asynchronous mode, the user will assign a handler function to ReceiveData event handler. Then responses and unsolicited messages will be sent to the users receive data handler.
Hostname (string) - DNS Name of the connection. Can be IP Address
IPPort (int) - IP port number of the connection
(optional) Protocol (string) - Value for either 'TCP', 'UDP', or 'SSH'
(optional) ServicePort (int) - Sets the port on which to listen for response data, UDP only, zero means listen on port OS assigns
(optional) Credentials (tuple) - Username and password for SSH connection.
Credentials - Returns (tuple, bool) - Username and password for SSH connection.
> returns tuple: ('username', 'password') if provided otherwise None.
> only applies when protocol 'SSH' is used.
Hostname - Returns (string) - server Host name
IPAddress - Returns (string) - server IP Address
IPPort - Returns (int) - IP port number of the connection
Protocol - Returns (string) - Value for either TCP, UDP, 'SSH' connection.
ServicePort - Returns (int) - the port on which the socket is listening for response data
Connected - (Event) Triggers when socket connection is established.
Disconnected - (Event) Triggers when the socket connection is broken
ReceiveData - (Event) Receive Data event handler used for asynchronous transactions. The callback takes two arguments. The first one is the EthernetClientInterface instance triggering the event and the second one is a bytes string.
> The maximum amount of data per ReceiveData event that will be passed into the handler is 1024 bytes. For payloads greater than 1024 bytes, multiple events will be triggered.
> When UDP protocol is used, the data will be truncated to 1024 bytes.
Hostname = ''
IPAddress = ''
IPPort = 0
Protocol = ''
ServicePort = 0
Credentials = None
Connected = None
Disconnected = None
ReceiveData = None
def __init__(self, Hostname, IPPort, Protocol='TCP', ServicePort=0, Credentials=None):
""" EthernetClientInterface class constructor.
- Hostname (string) - DNS Name of the connection. Can be IP Address
- IPPort (int) - IP port number of the connection
- (optional) Protocol (string) - Value for either 'TCP', 'UDP', or 'SSH'
- (optional) ServicePort (int) - Sets the port on which to listen for response data, UDP only, zero means listen on port OS assigns
- (optional) Credentials (tuple) - Username and password for SSH connection.
self.Hostname = Hostname
self.IPPort = IPPort
self.Protocol = Protocol
self.ServicePort = ServicePort
self.Credentials = Credentials
def Connect(self, timeout=None):
""" Connect to the server
- (optional) timeout (float) - time in seconds to attempt connection before giving up.
- 'Connected' or 'ConnectedAlready' or reason for failure (string)
Note: Does not apply to UDP connections.
def Disconnect(self):
""" Disconnect the socket
Note: Does not apply to UDP connections.
def Send(self, data):
""" Send string over ethernet port if its open
- data (bytes, string) - string to send out
- TypeError
- IOError
def SendAndWait(self, data, timeout, delimiter):
""" Send data to the controlled device and wait (blocking) for response. It returns after timeout seconds expires or immediately if the optional condition is satisfied.
Note: In addition to data and timeout, the method accepts an optional delimiter, which is used to compare against the received response. It supports any one of the following conditions:
- > deliLen (int) - length of the response
- > deliTag (bytes) - suffix of the response
- > deliRex (regular expression object) - regular expression
Note: The function will return an empty byte array if timeout expires and nothing is received, or the condition (if provided) is not met.
- data (bytes, string) - data to send.
- timeout (float) - amount of time to wait for response.
- delimiter (see above) - optional conditions to look for in response.
- Response received data (may be empty) (bytes)
def StartKeepAlive(self, interval, data):
""" Repeatedly sends data at the given interval
- interval (float) - Time in seconds between transmissions
- data (bytes, string) - data bytes to send
def StopKeepAlive(self):
""" Stop the currently running keep alive routine